Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I started Running Start a week and a half ago. It wasn't actually that bad. I expected to get at least one crummy teacher, but they're all pretty cool. Especially my Creative Writing teacher. I seriously have the COOLEST. Creative writing teacher. EVAR!!! The first thing Mr. Peters did after taking attendance on the first day was have us write down a list of all the people who have ever withheld our creative ability. Once we finished, he brought out a huge paper shredder and told us to bring those papers to the front of the class.

Again; coolest. Teacher. Ever.xD

I also met Cam, a temporary boyfriend. Allow me to explain.

Patrick broke up with me, and I was determined to find a new boyfriend at RS. I happened to meet Cam on the bus home, as he was running desperately to catch it. We found out that we took the same buses to get home and immediately hit off. About two days ago, we kind of had this mutual agreement to start dating. However, after I agreed to go out with him, I started feeling really bad, like not only depressed-bad, but also a little nauseous-bad. I also started having nightmares. I think today I realized that it was probably God telling me that that relationship wasn't right for me. I also found out that his idea of a boyfriend/girlfriend relationship was a little different than mine. I was perfectly happy with holding hands and talking. He wanted cuddling and kissing.

I had promised myself that I would not make him a rebound, because I know what that feels like, so today, I told him that I decided that I just wasn't ready for another relationship yet. He took it pretty well, but I'm still worried that I hurt him.

Anyway, who knows, maybe I'll find a Christian otaku who is just right for me, but for now, I think I'll just wait and see.

~The Crazy Hyper Teen =3

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Birthday Parties and Cleaning

Today is Bob Jo's 11th birthday slumber party. My eardrums have already burst, and we've barely made it past dinner. I have a feeling it's going to be a long night.TT-TT

Of course, three whole days before the party, Bobette made us all hunker down and attempt to clean the house. If you have ever had a mother once in your life, you will be familiar with this experience. For some reason they feel the need to impress everyone with their cleanliness. I say, why lie?

I mean, think about it; unless you have servants who clean the house for you, you don't have a snowballs chance in Sahara of keeping it clean all the time. As for our family, our house is messy about 90% of the time (that last 10% being the times we have guests over). This is pretty much the same for everybody in the universe who isn't filthy rich. So when a person comes to visit you after you've toiled to make it sparkling clean, they look around and they think, "Rats, their house is cleaner than mine." and they feel terrible.

So you see? We have to stop the madness! Everyone is fooling everyone else into thinking that everyone's house can be kept clean but theirs! But every teenager knows that this is a load of bull and no one who can't afford cleaning people can keep their house clean all the time.

Spread the awareness!

~The Crazy Hyper Teen =3

Saturday, May 1, 2010

My Old Church

I took a trip down memory lane last night. I saw some things that I would rather have kept locked away. Most of them were about my old church.

I said a little bit about my old church in my big reunion with my blog, but only that I didn't feel like I belonged that much. And it's true; I didn't feel like I belonged. I made an effort to make friends, but in the end, I think that was what drove them away. I was the intruder in their little circle of friends - the party crasher, if you will. They didn't like me, they only tolerated me.

Now, you may be thinking, 'Well how do you know they didn't like you?' Allow me to give you an example. A few years back, me and the rest of the youth group went on a road trip to California. When we got to the dorms where we would be spending the night that week, we were told to pair up two to a room. Everyone immediately paired up and I was left all by my lonesome. And then of course one of the chaperones gives me this look of pity and says, "Do you want to share a room with me?"

Great. Just what every teen wants. Because that doesn't say, "I'm such a loser that only the adults want to share a room with me." at all.

Finally, two of the other teens took pity on me as well and said that I could stay with them. They dragged a mattress from an empty room land set it up in their room, but in the end it didn't matter; one of the girls just ended up sharing a bed with the other girl, so I ended up sleeping in a real bed after all.

I've mentioned before that I don't like being pitied. In fact, I downright loath it. The only thing I dislike more than being pitied is being lied to. Thankfully, nobody lied to me then. They mostly ignored me except when they were pitying me. So you can imagine the wonderful time I had. Being A.D.D. and a social tomboy, being ignored hurts. Oh well, at least Six Flags was fun.

There were only two people at that church who talked to me because they were interested in what I had to say. First was Drew, who is an awesome guy and also goes to the swing dances. He wants to be a voice actor, and has a good chance of achieving this goal. He's made of win, and I appreciate him actually wanting to be friends with me.

The second one was Grace. She's a really nice girl, and she reminds me a bit of me when I was her age – just looking for someone to listen to her and to have a good time with. She bought a pair of earrings that I made once. First and only sale I've ever made. I feel bad for leaving her to the vices of the teens at Sun Valley, but I really do like my new church.

~The Crazy Hyper Teen=3

Saturday, April 24, 2010


Recently, Jason asked me to make a new comic series for Thus, "Meepers" was born. Most of the jokes are probably just going to be recycled from some of my fan comics, but the first few are all original, so I thought I'd show them off.^^
First of all, before showing you the comics, I thought I'd show you some of the characters. This here is Jomei. He's the short, sarcastic, bad-tempered ninja that always seems to be around Meepers, and most likely cares more than he acts. Don't ask me how he got his scar, 'cause I haven't the foggiest clue.
And then there's Kioshi. He's the more gentle, soft-spoken ninja (and yes, it's a he) who makes sure Meepers and Jomei don't get into too much trouble. But don't call him a girl, or you might lose a body part!

That's all for the character pictures (although there will most likely be more later), and now for the comics:

This was the first, just as a little introduction (click on it to make it big enough to read). Because living with ninjas is totally average.=P

Fangirls are scary! I should know; I am one.^^;

Here's Jomei's little introduction. Kioshi is next, but I haven't gotten around to drawing it yet, so you're just going to have to wait for it.=/

Please tell me what you think!

~The Crazy Hyper Teen=3

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Darn those siblings!

Why must my siblings torture me so? I love them and all, but honestly, they drive me crazy sometimes! Bob-Jo and Bob Jr. only seem to get into the worst of their fights when Bob Alpha and Bobbette aren't around. What do they do, wait until they leave and then say, "Whelp, the parents are gone, time to make our sister's life that much harder." ?

And they fight about the stupidest of things, like what color a video game character's eyes are. Who cares?! It's a friggin' VIDEO GAME CHARACTER!!! The world isn't going to end if you're wrong about its eye color! And then I'm always blamed for "taking sides" if I try to tell the truth. I'm not trying to take anyone's side, I'm just trying to resolve the problem! But obviously I'm not a good enough babysitter to even try to resolve an issue correctly.

Thankfully, right now I'm all my lonesome self. Bob and Bob Alpha are at Bob's birthday party (I would be there too, but we're sadly short on cash right now. I only hope they save some birthday cake for me.=P), Bobbette is running errands, and I haven't the foggiest clue where the other two are. Most likely at the neighbors. This pleases me, because it means I don't have to hear their annoying banter. Plus I get time on the computer. Score! xD

Honestly, I've felt kinda depressed all day. I don't know why, since I don't really have a good reason to be. Perhaps it's from having to deal with the siblings. Plus, the sleepover date at Maddie's has been relocated to in two week's time.TT-TT I guess I just need a hug, but like I said – nobody's home. Both a blessing and a curse.

In other news, right now I'm amusing myself with reading web comics. What I SHOULD be doing, is updating my fanfics and possibly my deviantart. Feh, details. What I REALLY want right now, is somehing made of chocolate. However, our house is sadly lacking in such items, so I'll just have to make do with a popsicle.

NO WAIT! We have Cocoa Pebbles! YESSS!!!=D Ima go get some! Tootles!

~The Crazy Hyper Teen =3

Monday, April 12, 2010

Past, Present, Future.

Two updates in one month?! How amazing is that?! I'm amazed at myself, honestly.

At the moment, I'm talking with my friend and adopted sister, Maddie, while typing this. She's one of the "M"s that came to my fifteenth. She's a very fun person, for someone who's younger and taller than me. She's also a friend and adopted sister of Jason's. She likes to scare herself with scary movies and then call Jason and complain about being scared.-.-; None the less, that's what makes her so fun.=) AJ and I are going to spend the night at her house this Friday.

Now I've hung up with her because she has to do chores. At the moment I'm listening to Whose Line is it Anyway (that's right, LISTENING, not watching =P). Quite delightful.=)

~The Crazy Hyper Teen=3

Saturday, April 10, 2010

A lot to catch up on!

Wow, I haven't posted on this thing in about two years. I would feel bad, but I've never really put that much importance on this sort of thing. In fact, the only reason I actually posted in this thing today or even remembered that I actually HAVE a blog, is because my good friend and adopted brother, Jason, got one. The way I see it is if I had something really important to tell the world about, I would put it in my journal on deviantart, which is almost as good. This amuses me, because I had such great plans for this blog when I started out. And now look where I am - only posting because I'm bored.

Anyhoo, as you can probably guess, a LOT has happened in the last two years. For example, you remember Patrick O'Neil from a few posts back? Well we're dating now. Although I'm not sure I would call it "dating" exactly, considering that we live three hours apart, but we consider each other boyfriend and girlfriend now. And when you consider the fact that I've been waiting for this since I was twelve years old, you can probably imagine my excitement on this fact. Yep, it feels good to be loved!

Now that I'm sixteen, my parents have been *ahem* encouraging me to consider college options. I'm not even sure if I want to go to college any more, although I did find an online manga class called that looks interesting. I bought their cookbook, and it's wonderful. And yes, I have decided to go for the manga-ka position. This has been frowned upon by Jason, and he continues to *ahem* encourage me to find a nice college to go to. I have nothing against getting a second job to make ends meet, but he seems to want me to become a doctor or an attorney and have manga as a side. No way Hosea I say! My art has improved since I first started drawing, and you can see it at if you're interested. However, be warned, it's mostly fanart.^^;

My library has started holding weekly teen meetings in which I am the vice-president, and we plan on doing some sort of Alice and Wonderland skit in which I'm the Cheshire Cat and the scenery director. However, everyone but me and my friend Maranda (who is the director) seems to have lost interest in it, so it most likely won't take off. However, it is fun, and we usually walk to the nearby arcade or the 7-11 afterwards. Emileesings goes to these meetings as well.

Speaking of Emileesings, we've been doing a lot of stuff together, and even started writing a fanfiction together. It's called, "The Adventures of Two Sexy Waffles" if you can believe that. It's on, and it actually has nothing to do with waffles, misleading as the title may be. We're thinking of also converting it into a comic, which will be fun and challenging for me. I regard her now as a sister, and haven't a clue on how my life would possibly be funny without her in it. We went o Aki Con together last November, and it was the BOMB, even though neither of us completed our costumes. We plan on going this November, and until then, you can watch videos of it on Youtube.^^

The family has been doing well. Bob recently turned thirteen, and now has a better cell phone than I do.TT-TT Both me and Bob Alpha have been trying to come up with excuses to steal it. Luckily, my phone upgrade is in a month or so, and then I can get a touch screen too. Bob-Jo hasn't been nearly as annoying as she could be, except that she always seems to want to snuggle and do stuff together whenever I want to get things done, and then when I don't mind, she doesn't care! Bob Jr. has been his adorable self, always trying to get people's attention and make people laugh. Our personalities have gotten so that our friends from church have taken to calling us after the four ninja turtles, me being Leonardo, Bob being Donatello, Bob-Jo being Raphael, and Bob Jr. being Michaelangelo. I'm not even sure if they know Bob Jr.'s real name, but then again, neither do you.=P

Speaking of church, we switched churches. I didn't say much - or rather, anything - about our previous church, mostly because there wasn't much worth mentioning. I never really felt comfortable at Sun Valley Church, mainly because I don't think the other kids my age liked me that much. Sure they would participate with me when we played games and such, but I was always picked last in stuff like that. Me being A.D.D. and lonely from having just moved into that general area, I tried to impress them by being hyper, because that's what A.D.D. teens do to try to impress people they have to be around long term. However, they never actually came around to liking me enough to actually want to do stuff with me willingly. They never said anything like that (not to my face anyway), but I could tell in the way they acted around me. If you've ever heard the song "Stained Glass Masquerade" by Casting Crowns, that's exactly how I felt.

But now that we've switched churches, I actually feel...welcome. It feels nice to have people talk to you because they want to and not because they're obligated to just because you go to the same church as them or because you look lonely. Don't you hate that, when you're a teen and an adult comes and starts talking to you about mediocre things just because no one else is talking to you? Doesn't it just make you feel awkward? I've always hated knowing adults are only talking to you because they pity you. Especially when you have no reason to be pitied. And it's even worse when they send their kid to talk to you. As if you won't notice that they don't actually want to be there. If more adults realized this, more teens wouldn't be as rebellious.

Well, that's enough for now I suppose, because my fingers are about to cramp up. Feels good to get all that off my chest though. I'll be back if I don't forget.^^

~The Crazy Hyper Teen=3